While the mother went to the captain asked the sailor who was selling oysters. He knew that there was shabbily dressed sailor uncle Jules. That's Uncle Jules really even talk. They went on to Uncle Jules and asks for the truth about Uncle Jules why that sell oysters because they heard that Uncle Jules went well in the country. American Uncle Jules told the truth with me. Uncle Jules in the United States to ask the really big business that he has had many followers, he is a millionaire and his close friends are people. His close friend of Martin. He built TRENDS come together, they were helped build it up until he was two, but both rich is rich Uncle Jules did not know he was a close friend of his betrayal. Martin's friend Uncle Jules Uncle Jules betrayed all the way. He wants to be a millionaire and owner of this business down alone. He finished his assets seized all of Uncle Jules. Martin seized on everything from Uncle Jules Uncle Jules that he does not care where his uncle Jules no alternative to bankruptcy Uncle Jules decided to sell oysters in this boat. Now, the family listened to the stories of Uncle Jules. Uncle Jules pitied who have come across this story. Father and her mother decided to take him back to the home of Jules they are still waiting for Uncle Jules back up. Since then, Uncle Jules was transformed into affordable luxuries, and they lived together happily.