Soft measures to reduce vulnerability include education
and awareness efforts. Numerous books and videos have
been published and used for education. In Japan, a famous
story, called “Inamura-no-hi” (fire of rice sheaves), has
been used for tsunami education. After a strong earthquake
was felt at a coastal village in 1854, the village
chief put fire on his just-harvested rice crops to guide
villagers to high ground and to save their lives. Another
concept, “Tsunami tendenko,” which calls for a quick
tsunami evacuation without waiting for others, not even
one’s parents or children, became famous and popular
after the 2011 tsunami [90,91]. Periodic practice and
drills are also important to keep the tsunami warning
and mitigation system functional. In Indonesia, tsunami
evacuation drills have been carried out in many communities
including Banda Aceh, Padang and Bali in the
last decade.