The research method used for data collection was
a mail survey, in which we followed the detailed procedures
outlined by Dillman [42]. First, based on the
extant literature, instruments were selected for the constructs,
and a draft version was made of the integral
questionnaire. Second, we tested this draft version of
the questionnaire in different interviews with members
of the target population, and made small adaptations
based on the comments received. A total of
18 interviews were performed in four general hospitals.
Through these interviews we refined the design
of the study and the measurement of the constructs.
Third, we chose an attractive layout for the questionnaire,
assuring good quality of paper and printing, a
professional overall impression, and the clear association
with the two universities sponsoring the study.
Fourth, the distribution and recollection procedures
involved (1) sending a pre-notice letter announcing
the survey; and subsequently (2) sending the survey
package containing the survey, a cover letter, a prepaid
self-addressed envelope, and a pen with the names
of the two universities carrying out the project, (3) a
follow-up letter was sent to all respondents, reminding
them of the survey and the importance of participating.
Three weeks later (4) a second copy of the survey was
sent to non-respondents. Finally, (5) 2 weeks later contact
was made by phone to all non-respondents, who
were personally invited to respond to the questionnaire.
All initial and follow-up letters contained hand-written
signatures, and personalized names and addresses. The
appendix contains details of variables and questions
included in the questionnaire.
The research method used for data collection wasa mail survey, in which we followed the detailed proceduresoutlined by Dillman [42]. First, based on theextant literature, instruments were selected for the constructs,and a draft version was made of the integralquestionnaire. Second, we tested this draft version ofthe questionnaire in different interviews with membersof the target population, and made small adaptationsbased on the comments received. A total of18 interviews were performed in four general hospitals.Through these interviews we refined the designof the study and the measurement of the constructs.Third, we chose an attractive layout for the questionnaire,assuring good quality of paper and printing, aprofessional overall impression, and the clear associationwith the two universities sponsoring the study.Fourth, the distribution and recollection proceduresinvolved (1) sending a pre-notice letter announcingthe survey; and subsequently (2) sending the surveypackage containing the survey, a cover letter, a prepaidself-addressed envelope, and a pen with the namesof the two universities carrying out the project, (3) afollow-up letter was sent to all respondents, remindingthem of the survey and the importance of participating.Three weeks later (4) a second copy of the survey wassent to non-respondents. Finally, (5) 2 weeks later contactwas made by phone to all non-respondents, whowere personally invited to respond to the questionnaire.All initial and follow-up letters contained hand-writtensignatures, and personalized names and addresses. Theappendix contains details of variables and questionsincluded in the questionnaire.
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