Aurel Mircea NIŢĂ*
ABSTRACT: Happiness is based on two dimensions absolutely necessary for its
accomplishment, namely: the individual and society. The happiness of a nation is reflected
by its wellbeing, both material wealth, but especially spiritual. Article aims to define the
concept of well-being from several perspectives: economical, sociological, psychological
and political. The paper made a comparative analysis based on indices and indicators for
two EU countries: UK and Romania. In Romania case, it has addressed the welfare index
based on social progress. According to social development indicators, Romania shows
strengths in the areas of nutrition and primary care (the same value of the indicator of
social progress with other countries), access to information and education, but it should
focus in the future on tolerance and inclusion variables. An instance of the following would
be the case of Great Britain, which Constitution has nothing included regarding happiness,
but this state has a National wellness measurement system since 2010, which is similar to
Bhutan happiness measurement system, according to its Constitution.
MULTIDIMENSIONAL ASPECTS OF WELL-BEING IN THEPUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONAurel Mircea NIŢĂ*ABSTRACT: Happiness is based on two dimensions absolutely necessary for itsaccomplishment, namely: the individual and society. The happiness of a nation is reflectedby its wellbeing, both material wealth, but especially spiritual. Article aims to define theconcept of well-being from several perspectives: economical, sociological, psychologicaland political. The paper made a comparative analysis based on indices and indicators fortwo EU countries: UK and Romania. In Romania case, it has addressed the welfare indexbased on social progress. According to social development indicators, Romania showsstrengths in the areas of nutrition and primary care (the same value of the indicator ofsocial progress with other countries), access to information and education, but it shouldfocus in the future on tolerance and inclusion variables. An instance of the following wouldbe the case of Great Britain, which Constitution has nothing included regarding happiness,but this state has a National wellness measurement system since 2010, which is similar toBhutan happiness measurement system, according to its Constitution.
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