SIMT 501 Prototype Model Making 3(1-4-4)
SIMT 521 Basic Electrical and Mechanical Engineering 3(3-0-6)
SIAN 508 Applied Human Anatomy for Medical Media 3(2-2-5)
SIMT 500 Information Technology for Medical Model 2(2-0-4)
SIMT 522 Biomedical Electronics and Measurement 4(3-3-7)
SIMT 600 Computer Technology for Developing Medical Model Prototype 2(1-2-3)
SIMT 620 Robot Actuators and Sensors 4(3-3-7)
SIMT 680 Seminar in Model Technology for Medical Education 1(1-0-2)
SIPS 552 Applied Human Physiology 2(2-0-4)
SIRE 502 Research Methodology 2(2-0-4)
SIMT 502 Medical Model Designing and Making 3(1-4-4)
SIMT 510 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy 2(2-0-4)
SIMT 520 General Physics 2(2-0-4)
SIPS 551 Basis of Human Physiology 2(2-0-4)
SIRE 501 Statistics 3(3-0-6)
SHSH 516 Independent Study 3(3-0-6)
SHSH 531 Communication Psychology 3(3-0-6)
SHSH 551 Consumer Protection Law in Health 3(3-0-6)
SIMT 698 Thesis 12(0-36-0)