Hello my wonderful one.
How are you doing? Why am i getting addicted to my email? lol. I get a good glow on my face just waking up to read from you. Wonderful. How was your day and night?. I knew something was missing since i havent smiled all morning till now,lol. i woke up late, i think i am becoming restful again, Maybe i could sense something good ahead of us.
What wouldn't i do to make my dreams come true. It is like a rigger waiting for a trigger. Would you be my trigger? lol. I just need a woman to hold me before i am too old. Absolutely i have come to know that we spend the most of our life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen. We have worked so hard and attained some wealth right? but for what purpose? To be realistic, except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. All the millions are useless indeed. how much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? how much do we need for daily fun. excess and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure would do well in finding happiness. As i always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. it can buy the best diamond watch, but can never buy time, It can buy piles of books , but cant buy knowledge. It can buy food, but not satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love. That is why , i refuse to follow the crowd, so as my own man, i would give up all that can be bought for that which cant be bought. I want true joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods,. she can make me smile in all weather.
I am glad that i could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your heart, and i intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure, but i dont mind,lol. Please tell me about your ideology of life my dear. I will be waiting impatiently to hear from you..
Hello my wonderful one.
How are you doing? Why am i getting addicted to my email? lol. I get a good glow on my face just waking up to read from you. Wonderful. How was your day and night?. I knew something was missing since i havent smiled all morning till now,lol. i woke up late, i think i am becoming restful again, Maybe i could sense something good ahead of us.
What wouldn't i do to make my dreams come true. It is like a rigger waiting for a trigger. Would you be my trigger? lol. I just need a woman to hold me before i am too old. Absolutely i have come to know that we spend the most of our life seeking for the secondary needs, while our primary needs are left unseen. We have worked so hard and attained some wealth right? but for what purpose? To be realistic, except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. All the millions are useless indeed. how much do we need to eat? How much do we need for shelter? how much do we need for daily fun. excess and excess leads us to vanity. But for few of us who value the simplicity, we sure would do well in finding happiness. As i always say, money can buy a good bed, but never will money buy sleep. it can buy the best diamond watch, but can never buy time, It can buy piles of books , but cant buy knowledge. It can buy food, but not satisfaction, Money can buy sex, but can NEVER buy love. That is why , i refuse to follow the crowd, so as my own man, i would give up all that can be bought for that which cant be bought. I want true joy and happiness. I want my woman to have power over my moods,. she can make me smile in all weather.
I am glad that i could get your attention my dear. You have a special thing in your heart, and i intend to find out what it is. It could take a lifetime to figure, but i dont mind,lol. Please tell me about your ideology of life my dear. I will be waiting impatiently to hear from you..
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