Here attached you find the final information about the product Pigipro Milkplus Omega Oxi…
I was struggling with specifications of the prdouct that we had early this year and the specifications that we have since last months when the product is finalised for deliveries. So, attached you find the corrected and up-dated information on the Pigipro Milkplus Omega-Oxi like the product is being produced for other customers and also will be produced for you and like it is since last half year and will be for the coming years. The fat has been increased with a percentage which caused the protein to be half percentage lower, but assuring bit more energy for the piglets.
You see following differences :
Protein - 21.5% in stead of 22%
Fat - 15% in stead of 14%
Ash – 7% in stead of 8%
So, as you find the documents attached are the specifications like they are in our system and like they will be delivered now and in future.
Finaly !
Sorry for the messing-up and inconveniences.