Most part of forage crop water consumption is water requirements in stockbreeding aspect. The methods of water
requirements of forage crop are so important that there are lots of methods of calculating crop water requirements.
It’s necessary to study the relation of different methods because there are require a large of data. The paper adopts six
methods which include evaporation pan method and PM method accounted water requirements of silage maize and
elymus dahuricus according to the experiment and meteorological data of water-saving irrigation based in
XiLinGuole typical pasture. The research shows that the result of PM method and BC method are larger than PM
method, the relative error of Modified PM was larger in the medium-term and advanced growth stage, the relative
error of the EP method was larger in the whole growth stage of two forage crop water requirements, the results of PT
and MK method were smaller than PM method. The research also shows that the regression equations of Modified
Penman method etc. five methods with PM method are good for silage maize and elymus dahuricus water
© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: pasture; forage crop; water requirements; Penman-Monteith method; evaporation pan method
1. Introduction
At present, there are many methods to calculate crop water requirements, including two categories: the
direct calculation and the indirect calculation methods that are estimated by Reference crop
evapotranspiration (ET0) and crop coefficient Kc. Evaporation pan method applied in indirect calculation
* Corresponding author: Yan XIANG. Tel.: +86 471 4690604
E-mail address: zhenghexiang.29@163.com
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Society for Resources,
AbstractMost part of forage crop water consumption is water requirements in stockbreeding aspect. The methods of waterrequirements of forage crop are so important that there are lots of methods of calculating crop water requirements.It’s necessary to study the relation of different methods because there are require a large of data. The paper adopts sixmethods which include evaporation pan method and PM method accounted water requirements of silage maize andelymus dahuricus according to the experiment and meteorological data of water-saving irrigation based inXiLinGuole typical pasture. The research shows that the result of PM method and BC method are larger than PMmethod, the relative error of Modified PM was larger in the medium-term and advanced growth stage, the relativeerror of the EP method was larger in the whole growth stage of two forage crop water requirements, the results of PTand MK method were smaller than PM method. The research also shows that the regression equations of ModifiedPenman method etc. five methods with PM method are good for silage maize and elymus dahuricus waterrequirements.© 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Keywords: pasture; forage crop; water requirements; Penman-Monteith method; evaporation pan method1. IntroductionAt present, there are many methods to calculate crop water requirements, including two categories: thedirect calculation and the indirect calculation methods that are estimated by Reference cropevapotranspiration (ET0) and crop coefficient Kc. Evaporation pan method applied in indirect calculation* Corresponding author: Yan XIANG. Tel.: +86 471 4690604E-mail address: zhenghexiang.29@163.com© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Society for Resources,
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