Thompson s Upatham 1997 described their genus Acinolaemus as fol-low; The most distinctive feature of Acinolaemus is the enlargement of the angular lamella. It is the most conspicuous tooth in the aperture. In the closely related Southeast Asian genera Hypselostoma and paraboysidia the angular lamella is underdeveloped compared to the parietal lamella. The auriculate-shaped aperture has a well-defined bay in the posterior corner formed by the angular lamella and the upper palatal fold. This is accentuated by a tendency for the species to have a strong tubercle along the
Margin of the peristome in front of the upper palatal fold at the point where the lip is indented. In closely related genera the bay is not nearly as well differentiated from the rest of the aperture. Ln Acinolaemus one or more of the palatal, basal and columellar teeth are developed as sharp thorns that point toward the aperture, although this feature is repeated in some species of closely related genera. The last whorl is constricted behind the aperture in the region of the internal dentition. The genus also is characterized by having a minute, yellowish, turban-shaped shell with a nearly straight-sided spire, although these features are not unique to the genus. The last whorl regularly descends or is deflected upward. The lower whorls are sculptured with raised spiral threads that are crossed by oblique axial threads. Spiral threads are reported in other genera, but they are not crossed by oblique threads. The microsculpture of the protoconch consists of a fine mesh of granular reticulations upon which are superimposed evenly spaced continuous raised spiral threads…Raised spiral threads on the protoconch are not know for the other genera, except in Systenostoma.
ทอมป์สัน s Upatham 1997 อธิบายของพืชสกุล Acinolaemus เป็น fol-ต่ำ คุณลักษณะโดดเด่นที่สุดของ Acinolaemus คือ การขยายตัวของ lamella แองกูลาร์ ฟันเด่นสุดในรูรับแสงได้ ในการที่เกี่ยวข้องอย่างใกล้ชิดเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้สกุล Hypselostoma และ paraboysidia lamella แองกูลาร์ได้ธรรมชาติเปรียบเทียบกับ lamella ข้างขม่อม รูรับแสงรูป auriculate เบย์โดยมุมหลังเกิดขึ้น โดย lamella แองกูลาร์และบนเพดานแข็งพับได้ นี้เป็นตาร์แนวโน้มสำหรับชนิดมีปุ่มแข็งแรงตามMargin of the peristome in front of the upper palatal fold at the point where the lip is indented. In closely related genera the bay is not nearly as well differentiated from the rest of the aperture. Ln Acinolaemus one or more of the palatal, basal and columellar teeth are developed as sharp thorns that point toward the aperture, although this feature is repeated in some species of closely related genera. The last whorl is constricted behind the aperture in the region of the internal dentition. The genus also is characterized by having a minute, yellowish, turban-shaped shell with a nearly straight-sided spire, although these features are not unique to the genus. The last whorl regularly descends or is deflected upward. The lower whorls are sculptured with raised spiral threads that are crossed by oblique axial threads. Spiral threads are reported in other genera, but they are not crossed by oblique threads. The microsculpture of the protoconch consists of a fine mesh of granular reticulations upon which are superimposed evenly spaced continuous raised spiral threads…Raised spiral threads on the protoconch are not know for the other genera, except in Systenostoma.
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