Youll never believe what l just heard Ella and Alan split up Again? That's a real on again off again relationship! Yes, but this time hear its for good. What happened? Rumor has it that she told Alan she was tired of him spending all his time with his friendsinteadof with her And hes upset because he heard that she had been seeing someone else behind his But she hadn't had she? No But Stacy told him that she had seen Ella with another guy thought Stacy was supposed to be Elas best friend what a backstabber Why would she bad mor Ella like that? Isnrit obvious? She said t because she lkes Alan She's hoping hell ask her out But thatllnever happen because hes hung up on someone else. He is Since you have all the gossip, do you know who he's interested in? fitell you, you can't tell him ttold you OK Who is it? You really dont know?Havent you noticed how he's always fnding an excuse to talk to you?