* ALLOCATION: Managers dedicate resources to the strategic intent. The challenge at this phase is to make sure the resource allocations (titles, office space, budget, etc.) are consistent with the stated goals.
* ATTENTION: Managers must put personal time and energy into accomplishing the stated strategy. This is the most critical issue for making progress because if managers do not "walk the talk," the desired initiatives do not happen. The challenge at this phase is for managers to spend time, allocate energy, and demonstrate passion for the stated strategy.
* ACCOUNTABILITY: Managers must measure and evaluate progress. The challenge at this phase is that employees are encouraged to "return and report" progress. The five steps for building social architecture in Figure 5 are the essential elements of an action plan. This social architecture is formed by both the General Manager and the HR and Strategic Planners. Both line and staff may cooperate at each phase of the social architecture process to translate ideas to actions.