Just found these a few days ago. Thank you for posting. Could you put something up for hypothyroid conditions? From my research it's wide spread and often misdiagnosed
1 year ago•3
Yes, I meant hypothyroidism.
1 year ago•2
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Shauna Porter
+Christopher Lister...Rife frequencies are not about the subconscious. They have been proven in the lab to destroy certain organisms. Dr. Rife caused cancer cells to disintegrate using them. His office was then burned down. I know scientist who have experimented with frequencies and believe in their power.
3 months ago•7
Shauna Porter
+Diana slick That is why I leave my YouTube open. Some may think I am crazy but I don't care what people think if by chance something they find is helpful to them.
6 days ago•2
Diana slick
+Shauna Porter They are nice to listen to. I have found several throughout youtube that I really like. Thanks to all that share!
6 days ago (edited)•
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Roberta Hellfort
Thank you so much for these videos and comments!
1 year ago•1
You are very welcome!
1 year ago•
Eliza F
Would someone who knows what the red light is that others recommend using here tell me where to purchase them?
5 days ago•
Colleen J
I don't think I believe this works......just listening to this noise is suppose to make me look younger........IDK......I smell fish....!!
9 months ago•3
Well, I have hypothyroidism and when I listened to this for skin repair..I felt sharp pain in the right side of my thyroid area. Pretty wild, never felt that before. So thank you and I totally want to do the hypothyroid one too! Thanks Again!!
3 months ago•1
can you post the frequencies - I have a Spooky2 machine thanks
11 months ago•
Francesca Groves
can you tell me where I might find a reputable place to buy a Spooky2? I am up in Canada
7 months ago•
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Mr. Anonymous
all the haters in teh comments don't even know who Dr. Rife was, fags...
7 months ago•7
Owen Jhk
2 months ago•
Christopher Lister
For the videos to work you must tell u r mind at the start of the video your intentions . Like this ...... " I believe this video will help heal my skin " without setting your own power of believe at the start of the videos the frequencies won't do anything till you want them too .
5 months ago•2