In addition, an error analysis was performed to understand the error attributed
by various error sources. ISðtrÞRISðtÞ and TðtÞRHðtÞ are associated based on the following
Fig. 1. (a) A participant wearing the Oculus Rift performing the task. The marker
cluster on the trunk is obstructed in this photo as it was placed at the mid-thoracic
level around T6 and secured via a customized harness. The coordinate system
represents the head and trunk coordinate systems during the neutral posture. (b) A
yellow field goal post at the center viewpoint of the participant. The brown circles
labeled 1–9 depict the positions of the nine pre-determined locations of the
football. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)