No.: 001/2015
Date of Contract :
This contract (“Contract”) is made on 1 August ,2015 by and between the following two parties in order to delivery of wood pellets to China and will be effective when the Buyer and the Seller has signed in this contract.
COMPANY : Golden Lin lmp&Exp Co.,Ltd.Ningbo
ADDRESS : Room1005, Baizhang East Road No.787 baoshang building A,
Ningbo ,Chaina
TEL NO. : 0086-574-86162915
COMPANY : Tonkaow Co.,Ltd
ADDRESS : 234/1 Moo 1 , Tungkanan , Soidaow , Janthaburi , Thailand
TEL NO. : +6639-460-778
WHEREAS, Seller intends to sell certain quantities of Wood Pellet to Buyer as set forth herein: and WHEREAS, Buyer intends to purchase certain quantities of Wood Pellet from Seller as set forth herein: NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows.
1.1.Quantity and Price
Descriptions of Goods Origin Quantity (Tons) Unit Price/Tons (Door toDoor) Total Amount
Wood pellet Thailand 10,000 Tons USD 137$ USD 1,370,000$
Total : 10,000 Tons
1.2. Guaranteed quantity supply per month is 2,000Tons
2. Quality
2.1.The Seller warrants that the wood pellet supplied under this contract shall be manufactured from wood fiber exclusively, without any type of binder or other chemically treated biomass. Wood fiber is determined as sawdust, shaving, round wood from any species of wood plants
2.2.The Seller warrants that the quality of Wood Pellet to the supplied shall be as follows.
Item Unit Limit of
Range Guaranteed Quality Specification
Diameter mm 8 8
Length mm < 40 < 40
Unit Volume Mass kg/㎥ Min. 700 Min. 700
Total Moisture (As Received Basis) % wt Max. 10 Max. 10
Gross Calorific Value (Air Dry Basis) Kcal/kg Min 4,200 Min. 4,200
Net Calorific Value (As Received Basis) kcal/kg Min. 3,900 Min. 3,900
Ash (Air Dried Basis) % wt Max. 2 Max. 2
Chlorine % wt Max. 0.10 Max. 0.10
Sulphur % wt Max. 0.05 Max. 0.05
Nitrogen(Dry Basis) % wt Max. 0.5 Max 0.5
Ash Fusion Temperature, IDT ℃ Min. 1,150 1,150
Total Contract Amount :USD 1,370,000$
2.3 Each lot of goods before shipping sellers and buyers have samples,after arrival at destination And if it’s found that the calorific value less than 100 calories,seller shall indemnify USD4.00/tons to the buyer
Payment shall be made as follows:
3.1. Every shipment value of payment by T/T 30% with in 5 working days before shipment. Total value of every shipment of the remaining 70% on receipt of the copy of the Bill of lading paid with in 5-10 days.
3.2. All commission and back charge outside China are on the account of Buyer.
Payment to
• Beneficiary name:
• Telex………………………………………………………. Fax………………………………………………………..
Beneficiary’s Account………………………………………………………………………………………………….
• Bank Name:
• Bank Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
• Swift code:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4.1. Shipment shall be effected by the vessel nominated by Buyer
4.2. Partial shipment shall be acceptable. However, twice or four shipments are acceptable.
4.3. Date of shipment: To be determined.
4.4. Quantity of Shipment: Around 500 tons per week / 2,000 tons per month
However, the seller shall make its best effort to shorten the date of shipment as the concept of “the earlier, the better”
Wood Pellet shall be packed in a jumbo bag for the weight of 600 – 1000 Kgs per bag. The minimum loading quantity in the container should not be less than (20ft/13-15tons or 40ft/26-28tons). There will be no wooden pallet to support any Jumbo bags.
6. Force majeure
The SELLER shall not be liable for delay or non-performance of his contractual obligation to sell, and BUYER shall not be liable for delay or non-performance of its contractual obligation to purchase, as a consequence of war, blockade, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion, riot, mobilization, act of God, plague or other epidemic, fire, flood and earthquake("Force Majeure"). To avoid any doubt, any sort of labor dispute and shortage of material shall not be regarded as Force Majeure. In the event of the Force Majeure arising, the party suffering such Force Majeure shall notify the other party in writing with documents or certificates providing its occurrence or existence duly issued by chamber of commerce or other institution with governmental or competent authority within three(3) working days after the occurrence of the Force Majeure event. Unless such notice is accompanied by such documents or certificates within three(3) days after the occurrence of the Force Majeure, the party suffering such Force Majeure shall be deemed to have waived such claim.
SELLER : Tonkaowco.,LTD
Signed : MR. AnirutSuthammarak
Signed : __________________________
Title :C E O
BUYER : Golden Lin lmp&Exp Co.,Ltd.Ningbo
Signed : MR. Lin Yicun
Signed : __________________________
Title :C E O
木质颗粒供应合同号: 001/2015合同日期:本合同 ("合同"),在 2015 年 8 月 1 日通过和以下两个缔约方之间在订货至交货的木材颗粒到中国并将是有效的当买方和卖方在本合同签署。买方:公司名称: 金林 lmp & Ltd.Ningbo 进出口有限公司地址: 1005 百丈东公路 No.787 宝山大厦 A 座宁波中国电话: 0086-574-86162915卖方:公司名称: Tonkaow 有限公司地址: 234/1 Moo 1,Tungkanan,Soidaow,Janthaburi 泰国电话号码: +6639-460-778鉴于,卖方有意按本协议规定向买方出售一定数量的木材颗粒: 和而买方打算从卖方购买一定数量的木材颗粒,按本协议规定: 现在因此,双方同意如下。1.数量和价格1.1.Quantity 和价格说明货物来源数量 (吨) 单价 / 吨 (门 toDoor) 总金额木颗粒泰国 10,000 吨 USD 137 美元 1,370,000 美元总数: 10000 吨1.2.保证数量供应每月是 2,000Tons2.质量2.1.The 卖方保证,提供本合同项下的木质颗粒应制造从木纤维完全,没有任何类型的粘结剂或其他经化学处理的生物量。木纤维确定为木屑,剃须,圆木头从任何种类的木植物2.2.The 卖方保证木材颗粒与所提供的质量应如下。项目单位限制的保证质量规范的范围直径毫米 8 8长度 mm < 40 < 40单位体积质量 kg/㎥ 分钟 700 分钟 700总重量 (收到基) 作为水分 %最大。10 最大。10总热值 (空气干燥基) 千卡/千克 Min 4,200 分钟 4,200净热值 (收到基) 千卡/千克分钟 3,900 分钟 3,900火山灰 (空气干燥的基) 重量 %最大。2 最大。2氯 %wt 最大。0.10 最大。0.10含硫量 %wt 马克斯。0.05 最大。0.05氮 (干基) %wt 最大。0.5 最大 0.5煤灰熔融温度,IDT ℃ 分钟 1,150 1,150总合同金额: 美元 1,370,000 美元2.3 每一批货物之前航运卖家和买家有样品,在到达目的地后,如果它发现低热值小于 100 卡路里,卖方应赔偿 USD4.00 / 吨到买方3.付款和运输所需的文件应付款,如下所示:3.1.T/t 付款每个装运值与在 5 个工作日内发货前的 30%。每一批货物在收到提单复印件,其余 70%的总价值在 5-10 天付出代价。3.2.所有委员会和中国以外的背电荷都是买方的帐户上。对付款• 受益人名称:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……• Telex……………………………………………………….Fax………………………………………………………..受益人的帐户...• 银行名称:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………• Bank Address………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………• Swift code:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4.装运4.1.装运须由买方指定的船只4.2.分批装运应可接受。然而,两次或四出货量是可以接受的。4.3.装运日期: 待定。4.4.装运数量: 约 500 吨,每周 / 每月 2000 吨然而,卖方应使其最大努力缩短装运日期为"越早越好"的概念5.包装木材颗粒必须装在一个巨型袋为 600-1000年公斤,每袋重量。最小负载在容器中的数量不应少于 (20 英尺/13-15 吨或 40 英尺/26-28tons)。将没有木托盘上,以支持任何珍宝袋。6.不可抗力卖方不应承担延误或不履行他的合同义务卖,和买方不应承担延误或不履行其合同义务到购买,由于战争、 封锁、 革命、 暴动、 内乱、 防暴、 动员、 神的旨意、 瘟疫或其他流行病、 火、 洪水和地震 ("不可抗力")。为了避免任何疑虑,任何形式的劳动争议和材料短缺不视为不可抗力。所产生的不可抗力,遭受不可抗力一方应通知另一方以书面方式与文件或提供其发生或存在正当签发的商会或其他机构与政府或主管当局在发生后三个工作天内的不可抗力事件的证明。除非这种通知伴随此类文件或证书在不可抗力发生后三天内,方遭受不可抗力应视为放弃此类索赔。卖方: Tonkaowco 贸易有限公司签名: 先生 AnirutSuthammarak通过Signed : __________________________标题: C E O买家: 金林 lmp & Ltd.Ningbo 进出口有限公司签名: 先生林一村通过Signed : __________________________标题: C E O
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