To figure out the weight of years of
teaching experience, gender, academic
rank and the branch of knowledge in the
importance given to the Smartphone as a
tool at the service of the teaching,
learning and assessing process by Higher
Education teachers.
– To look into the impact of age, gender,
academic year, and branch of knowledge
in the importance given to the Smartphone
as a tool at the service of the teaching,
learning and assessing process by Higher
Education students.
– To know the benefits and difficulties
assessed by professors, about the
introduction of the Smartphone as part of
the process of teaching, learning and
assessment, according to the years of
teaching experience, gender, academic
rank and branch of knowledge.
– To analyse the benefits and difficulties
appreciated by the university learners on
the introduction of the Smartphone as part
of the teaching, learning and assessment
process depending on their age, gender,
course and branch of knowledge.