The experiment in the Rhodic Hapludox soil began in 2006 with
grain sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis (R.
Germ. & C. M. Evard) Crins), and a mixture of both species (grain
sorghum + ruzigrass) grown in fall/winter (plots), followed by pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) in the spring
(subplots). Sub-plots were 5.0 m wide by 10.0 m long, and the plots
were 5.0 m wide by 36.0 m long. Plots and blocks were set 3.0 m
apart to allow for machine traffic. Ruzigrass was planted in 0.17 m
spaced rows using 22 kg ha1 of seeds, while grain sorghum was
planted in 0.34 m spaced rows using 11 kg ha1 of seeds. For the
mixture, rowswere spaced at 0.34 m and the same quantities of seed
were used as in the single crops. Ruzigrass seeds were placed in the
fertilizer bin of the grain seeder and deposited in the same row with
grain sorghum. In both experiments, pearl millet, sunn hemp, and
forage sorghum were planted in the
first half of October at 0.17 m
row spacing and 25, 30, and 15 kg ha1 of seeds, respectively. In the
first half of December, approximately 60 d after planting, plots and
subplots were chemically desiccated with glyphosate, and then
soybean was sown at 0.45 m spaced rows and a density of
355,000 seeds ha1.
The experiment in the Typic Rhodudalf began in 2003 with
triticale (
Triticosecale [Wittmack]) and sunflower (Helianthus
annuus L.) grown in fall/winter (plots), followed by pearl millet,
forage sorghum, and sunn hemp in spring (subplots). A fallow
check treatment was included, where chiseling was carried out in
2003 and 2009, before soybean planting. The chisel plow had seven
shanks mounted on two parallel bars. The shanks, inclined 25
forward, were set 0.60 m apart, resulting in an effective between-
shank spacing of 0.30 m, with a maximum depth of 0.30 m. A clodbreaking
roller was attached to break clods, decrease surface
roughness and avoid harrowing. Plots under fallow were mowed
for weed control 30 days after the other plots had been planted.
Triticale was planted in rows 0.17 m apart from each other, using
165 kg ha1 of seeds, while sunflower was grown in rows 0.51 m
apart from each other, using 22 kg ha1 of seeds. Plots were
32.0 m, and sub-plots were 8.0
5.0 m, with 4.0 m between
blocks, plots and sub-plots. The fall/winter crops were harvested
every year between the second week of August and the
first week
of September with a plot harvester.
The experiment in the Rhodic Hapludox soil began in 2006 withgrain sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis (R.Germ. & C. M. Evard) Crins), and a mixture of both species (grainsorghum + ruzigrass) grown in fall/winter (plots), followed by pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)Moench) and sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) in the spring(subplots). Sub-plots were 5.0 m wide by 10.0 m long, and the plotswere 5.0 m wide by 36.0 m long. Plots and blocks were set 3.0 mapart to allow for machine traffic. Ruzigrass was planted in 0.17 mspaced rows using 22 kg ha1 of seeds, while grain sorghum wasplanted in 0.34 m spaced rows using 11 kg ha1 of seeds. For themixture, rowswere spaced at 0.34 m and the same quantities of seedwere used as in the single crops. Ruzigrass seeds were placed in thefertilizer bin of the grain seeder and deposited in the same row withgrain sorghum. In both experiments, pearl millet, sunn hemp, andforage sorghum were planted in thefirst half of October at 0.17 mrow spacing and 25, 30, and 15 kg ha1 of seeds, respectively. In thefirst half of December, approximately 60 d after planting, plots andsubplots were chemically desiccated with glyphosate, and thensoybean was sown at 0.45 m spaced rows and a density of355,000 seeds ha1.The experiment in the Typic Rhodudalf began in 2003 withtriticale (Triticosecale [Wittmack]) and sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) grown in fall/winter (plots), followed by pearl millet,forage sorghum, and sunn hemp in spring (subplots). A fallowcheck treatment was included, where chiseling was carried out in2003 and 2009, before soybean planting. The chisel plow had sevenshanks mounted on two parallel bars. The shanks, inclined 25forward, were set 0.60 m apart, resulting in an effective between-shank spacing of 0.30 m, with a maximum depth of 0.30 m. A clodbreakingroller was attached to break clods, decrease surfaceroughness and avoid harrowing. Plots under fallow were mowedfor weed control 30 days after the other plots had been planted.Triticale was planted in rows 0.17 m apart from each other, using165 kg ha1 of seeds, while sunflower was grown in rows 0.51 mapart from each other, using 22 kg ha1 of seeds. Plots were8.032.0 m, and sub-plots were 8.05.0 m, with 4.0 m betweenblocks, plots and sub-plots. The fall/winter crops were harvestedevery year between the second week of August and thefirst weekof September with a plot harvester.
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