Hi and welcome to one of the University of Queensland's courses here on
edX. My name is Shannon and before we start let's go through a few things that'll
help you navigate your way through the course.
When you start a course you will automatically be taken here -
to the CourseInfo page. This section is where all of the latest course
announcements and
updates will be. You may find links to useful documents here such as the
Course Syllabus.
Along the top are some useful tabs which will help you throughout your course.
These are fairly self-explanatory so I'll let you explore these in your own time.
So when you're ready to get started, click here
on the Courseware tab. This page is where you can see
all of the parts of the course. EdX courses have a hierarchical structure composed of
subsections and units, but they may use different names for these.
For example the sections often represent a week of work so the sections may be
called 'weeks'.
On the side panel you can see these and they are displayed in blue writing.
To start, you must move into your first section of the course. Once you click this
first section, you will see the subsections
in this first section. The subsections are in black writing.
Let's start this first sub-section and see what it involves.
So here is where it gets a little more complicated.
It can be easy to miss some of the content in these units
if you generally use learning platforms with navigation is done from the sidebar.
In edX you need to navigate using both the sidebar on the left
and the bar at the top of this page. You can see the small icons -
these show you what is coming next. Let's call these units.
Each subsection will have a different number of
units - usually somewhere between one and ten. Once you've gone through the content
on this page,
use the top navigation back to work your way through the next unit.
You can then either use the right and left arrows to make your way through the units,
or click directly onto the icon. Videos are quite common in edX courses
and it's really useful to know what the various buttons mean.
Clearly we have the play/pause button, the time lapse and time to go display,
and you may have a speed button so you can speed up the video
or slow it down. This is the mute and volume adjuster,
and next to it the full screen button. If you have high speed Internet access you
can watch this in HD.
The button is red when HD is turned on. Next to this we have the closed captions button.
This button will turn the captions on or off and, if offered, can be available in different
Now let's move along to the multiple choice questions.
After you've had a read through and chosen your answers, you can save
these answers and come back later to submit. Or if you want to submit your
answer and check if it's right,
then press 'check'. Depending on the course you may have multiple attempts to check
and submit your answer.
So once you finish the units along the top, you then move down to the next
This blue clock on this subsection down here means that this is a graded
So now you've seen how easy it is to take a UQx course
and we wish you all the best with your studies, and from everyone here at the
University of Queensland -
good luck!