2.2.1 Renderman
RenderMan was firstly introduced in the 1970’s in Lucas Computer Graphic department. RenderMan uses on algorithm called REYES (Render Everything You Ever See). The language itself is similar to C style. The advantages of RenderMan consist of speed, a capability to handle large amounts of data, memory efficiency and motion blur. Mainly, RenderMan consists of 2 parts: First, is RenderMan Interface Bytestream (RIB). It has the ability to describe scenes, such as image resolution, camera and object transformation, etc. Second, the RenderMan Shading Language can be used to describe the surface appearance. Mainly, it is composed of 5 shader types: Imager, Displacement, Surface, Lights and Volume (Atmosphere, Interior, and Exterior).
2.2.2 Compositing Applications
Composite application expresses a perspective of software engineering that defines an application built by combining multiple existing functions into a new application. The technical concept can be compared to mashups. Adobe After Effect
a) Compositing
b) Motion Graphic