Responsibilities and Acceptance of Job Offer
I agree to the following (please initial each point):
_______ I accept this Job Offer from from the Spirit cooperating employer listed above and on page 1 of this job offer. I agree to work at this employer from 5/10/2015 to 8/20/2015. I plan to arrive on time, however, I understand that my actual start date will be anywhere from 2-7 days after my arrival date at the employer. I understand that in order to ensure a timely start date, I must communicate my final travel plans directly to my employer at least two weeks before arrival.
_______ IunderstandthathousingdepositsmayberequiredbeforeoruponarrivalattheemployerandIacceptandwillabidebythehousingtermslistedonthe following pages. I have enough money available to cover these deposits, ground transportation to the employer and daily living expenses for at least two weeks after arrival in the USA, up to or exceeding $1000USD.
_______ I understand that if business is slow, the employer may need to reduce my hours and that I may be laid off after arrival for unforeseen business reasons. In case of such layoff, Spirit will assist me to identify alternative employment. If I am fired for insufficient performance or bad behavior, my program may be cancelled.
_______ IunderstandthatbyacceptingthisjobofferIamagreeingtoworkattheabovenamedemployerperthetermslistedonthefollowingpagesofthis document. I understand that I must contact Spirit in case I have any trouble with my employer or housing that I cannot reconcile on my own.
_______ I understand that I must validate my program by checking in with Spirit after arrival at my employer in the U.S.A. I understand that I can validate my program by completing a SEVIS Update form online at I understand that failure to arrive to my employer and complete a SEVIS Update within 7 days of my arrival in the US will result in program termination.
_______ Iunderstandthat,afterprogramvalidation,ImustcheckinwithSpiritatleastevery30daysbysubmittinganonlineMonthlyCheck-informat Spirit will email reminders to me of deadlines to submit each Monthly Check-in. I must check my email at least once per week to receive these and other updates from Spirit. I understand that failure to submit a Monthy Check-in at least every 30 days will result in program termination and loss of legal working status.
_______ Iagreetoprovideflightinformationtomysendingofficeandarrivalinformationtomyemployernolaterthan2weekspriortomyarrivalintheUSA.I agree to return to my home country no later than 30 days after the end date listed on my DS-2019 form and within the date parameters set by the U.S. Consulate in my home country.