NSMB- Netherlands Ship Model Basin. Holtrop, and there was another chap called Mannen,
they have published their statistical data analysis in the 1984, 82-84 ISP, International Ship
Building Progress. What they give you is, they have analyzed slow form ships, fast form
ships, bulbous bows, non bulbous bows, cruises sterns, transom sterns, stern immersion,
various draft conditions with appendages and without appendages, large amount of data has
been collected together and whole set of regression analysis has been done, and knowing
your ship parameters of all these quantities, they give a method by which you can estimate
the resistance. That is so far the most reliable method of estimating resistance for ships as of
today; we do not have, I have mentioned this before, we do not have a fully theoretical
method for predicting resistance as yet, so statistical analysis is the best way to get the
resistance of a ship if we do not have the tank tested.