The purposes of the study were to ascertain the attitudes of customers, to identify the factors related to customers attitudes and to examine the customers problems toward E-commerce. The findings will help businesses to know about the weak areas of electronic commerce and to solve the problems right to the point. When the problems are removed, every party will get benefit as a whole.
The sample of this study consisted of 210 customers who live in Bangkok. To get primary sources ,a questionnaire consisting of 31 questions was designed and adapted from previous studies. The data from the questionnaires were collected and analyzed in descriptive forms and an analysis of variance (ONE-WAY-ANOVA) WAS CONDUCTED. The study of the customers’ attitudes was divided into two dimensions, credibility and convenience.
The majority of the respondents showed positive attitudes by stating “Moderately agree” for questions asking them about credibility and convenience; however, they also displayed negative attitudes by identifying “Moderately disagree”for security concerns and after-sales services. these important issues need to be improved immediately since it can encourage customers to buy goods and services through the internet or discourage them.
Many recommendations were discussed in the conclusion. To reduce the customer concern on security and inferior quality of products, businesses should offer more channels of payment methods for customer; for instance, E-payment. The companies should pay attention to customer requests and problems, and respond to them immediately together with providing good after-sale services. Although electronic commerce is another way to reach target customer and increase sale income, not every business can be successful in doing business online since some customer may reject products and services through the internet because of their personal preferences.
However, the study has a limitation. For further studies of this nature should include a larger sample size. An interview is required to be conducted since it can provide researchers in depth information about customers attudes.