Dear Attaphol,
SAGE Reference: 1000620111
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Charles White
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From: attaphol arayakemmakul []
Sent: 07 December 2015 13:51
To: asiaclaims
Subject: Re: CLAIM : Organizational Research Methods / Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
I received Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research : volume 39 issue 4. But I not received volume 39 issue 3
I would like to pay more for back issues.I hope that this information will be useful for investigation this claim.
Please send requested journals to the address below.
Attaphol Arayakemmakul
594 Mooban
Puttan Phetkasem Soi 8
On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 11:56 PM, asiaclaims wrote:
Dear Attaphol,
Account number: 1000620111
(Please record, or update your systems with this customer account number. This will ensure that any future claims relating to this subscription receive a speedy resolution).
Thank you for your claim.
I can confirm that a replacement copy of the below mentioned titles have been arranged for you. Please allow 8 – 10 weeks for delivery.
- Organizational Research Methods : volume 18 issue 4
- Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research : volume 39 issue 3
However volume 19 issue 1 of title Organizational Research Methods and volume 40 issue 1 of title Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research is not published yet, issue will be mailed to you once published.
Also volume 39 issue 4 of title Journal of Hospitality is too early to claim, please allow 8 – 10 weeks for delivery.
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Garima Thapa
Customer Services Department
Tel: +44 (0)20 7324 8701
Fax: +44 (0)20 7324 8733
From: attaphol arayakemmakul []
Sent: 18 November 2015 08:16
To: asiasubscriptions
Subject: CLAIM : Organizational Research Methods / Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Dear asiasubscriptions
Ref .: Customer 1000620111
: Paid for subscribed credit card in amount of USD 294.00 date May 18, 2015.
- Organizational Research Methods (Indv-print only) 1000620111 18/2 to 19/1 $ 118.00.
I have received 18/2 and 18/3 but I have not received 18/4 และ19/1
- Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (Indv-print only) 1000620111 39/2 to 40/1 $ 176
I have received 39/2 but I have not received 39/3-4และ40/1
I would like to pay more for back issues.I hope that this information will be useful for investigation this claim.
Please send requested journals to the address below.
Attaphol Arayakemmakul
594 Mooban
Puttan Phetkasem Soi 8
Thank you very much for your kind co-operation.
Sincerely Yours,
Please send a renewal form online by credit card.