Well designed and appropriate MAS will assist managers to be more effective in decision-making which will then help organizations to improve their efficiency and remain competitive in the ever challenging environment. In order to meet the challenges of globalisation and liberalization, the addition of managerial accounting concepts and techniques to the existing financial reporting structures will enhance competitive edge among financial institutions (Rezaee, 2005). However, most of the previous researches on MAS are biased towards the manufacturing sector in developed countries. Due to the lack of research on management accounting in the service sector (Modell, 1996; Hussain, 2000; Sharma, 2002; Chenhall, 2003), particularly the financial services sector, the aim of this study is to examine the mediating role of MAS in the relationship between perceived intensity of market competition, innovativeness and technological advancement on organizational performance in financial institutions. In this study, MAS is viewed in a broader aspect and it focuses on the four dimensions of MAS information namely scope, timeliness, integration and aggregation. The paper starts with background literatures. Subsequent sections provide the development of hypotheses and a delineation of the research method. It is then followed by the discussion of the results and the last section concludes the paper.