In 1.8, if you go in the debug screen (F3 for windows) you can see how many minecraft days you've played. While this is useful for bragging rights and to show your friends how much of a beefcake you are at the game, I have an idea to make use of this.
What if every minecraft day, There were veryslight changes to your world, difficulty wise? Almost any minecraft veteran will admit that once you get to that certain point, Minecraft is like playing chess with a baby, it becomes near IMPOSSIBLE to die. My ideas below:
Improved AI for mobsImproved block range for mobsMobs spawn more oftenMobs hit harder, and take more damageCan "work together" I.E a Witch targets mobs with buffs or a creeper blows open your wall for others.Mobs don't lose interest in you.Faster Mobs that are harder to outrun,These are just a few possible ideas I'd like to see added into the game. Also, to players who aren't as good at the game, They could use the following gamerule
/gamerule dayDifficulty false
Or something along those lines, and to players wanting a harder experience right at the start,
/dayDifficulty add
Minecraft is an amazing game, but it's also one of the easiest games you can play at that certain points. Please think about the idea before you write.