1. Will construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involve actions which will cause physical
changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in waterbodies, etc)?
Permanent or temporary change in
land use, landcover or topography
including increases in intensity of
land use?
Clearance of existing land,
vegetation and buildings?
Creation of new land uses
1.3 Creation of new land uses?
1.4 Pre-construction investigations eg
boreholes, soil testing?
1.5 Construction works?
1.6 Demolition works?
1.7 Temporary sites used for
construction works or housing of
construction workers?
1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or
earthworks including linear
structures, cut and fill or
1.9 Underground works including mining
or tunnelling?
1.10 Reclamation works?
1.11 Dredging?
1.12 Coastal structures eg seawalls,
1.13 Offshore structures?
1.14 Production and manufacturing
1.15 Facilities for storage of goods or
1.16 Facilities for treatment or disposal of
solid wastes or liquid effluents?
No. Questions to be considered in
Yes/No/? Which Characteristics of the
Project Environment could be
affected and how?
Is the effect likely to be
significant? Why?
1.17 Facilities for long term housing of
operational workers?
1.18 New road, rail or sea traffic during
construction or operation?
1.19 New road, rail, air, waterborne or
other transport infrastructure
including new or altered routes and
stations, ports, airports etc?
1.20 Closure or diversion of existing
transport routes or infrastructure
leading to changes in traffic
1.21 New or diverted transmission lines or
1.22 Impoundment, damming, culverting,
realignment or other changes to the
hydrology of watercourses or
1.23 Stream crossings?
1.24 Abstraction or transfers of water from
ground or surface waters?
1.25 Changes in waterbodies or the land
surface affecting drainage or run-off?
1.26 Transport of personnel or materials
for construction, operation or
1.27 Long term dismantling or
decommissioning or restoration
1.28 Ongoing activity during
decommissioning which could have
an impact on the environment?
1.29 Influx of people to an area in either
temporarily or permanently?
1.30 Introduction of alien species?
1.31 Loss of native species or genetic
1.32 Any other actions?
Facilities for long term housing of
operational workers
1. Will construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involve actions which will cause physicalchanges in the locality (topography, land use, changes in waterbodies, etc)?Permanent or temporary change inland use, landcover or topographyincluding increases in intensity ofland use? Clearance of existing land,vegetation and buildings?Creation of new land uses1.3 Creation of new land uses?1.4 Pre-construction investigations egboreholes, soil testing?1.5 Construction works?1.6 Demolition works?1.7 Temporary sites used forconstruction works or housing ofconstruction workers?1.8 Above ground buildings, structures orearthworks including linearstructures, cut and fill orexcavations?1.9 Underground works including miningor tunnelling?1.10 Reclamation works?1.11 Dredging?1.12 Coastal structures eg seawalls,piers?1.13 Offshore structures?1.14 Production and manufacturingprocesses?1.15 Facilities for storage of goods ormaterials?1.16 Facilities for treatment or disposal ofsolid wastes or liquid effluents?No. Questions to be considered inScopingYes/No/? Which Characteristics of theProject Environment could beaffected and how?Is the effect likely to besignificant? Why?1.17 Facilities for long term housing ofoperational workers?1.18 New road, rail or sea traffic duringconstruction or operation?1.19 New road, rail, air, waterborne orother transport infrastructureincluding new or altered routes andstations, ports, airports etc?1.20 Closure or diversion of existingtransport routes or infrastructureleading to changes in trafficmovements?1.21 New or diverted transmission lines orpipelines?1.22 Impoundment, damming, culverting,realignment or other changes to thehydrology of watercourses oraquifers?1.23 Stream crossings?1.24 Abstraction or transfers of water fromground or surface waters?1.25 Changes in waterbodies or the landsurface affecting drainage or run-off?1.26 Transport of personnel or materialsfor construction, operation ordecommissioning?1.27 Long term dismantling ordecommissioning or restorationworks?1.28 Ongoing activity duringdecommissioning which could havean impact on the environment?1.29 Influx of people to an area in eithertemporarily or permanently?1.30 Introduction of alien species?1.31 Loss of native species or geneticdiversity?1.32 Any other actions?Facilities for long term housing ofoperational workers
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