Hydroalcoholic extracts preparation
The powder of dried leafs (100 g) and stems
(100 g) of V. squamata were respectively submitted
to exhaustive extraction with ethanol-water solution
(70:30 v/v) in a stainless steel percolator, at room
temperature. After 48 h, the solutions were filtered
and the solvent recovered in a rotatory evaporator at
40 o
C, under vacuum. The solvent proportionality was
adjusted in an Abbe refractometer and reused in the
percolation process until complete extraction. By these
processes were obtained the hydroalcoholic extract of
leafs (9.1 g; 9.1%) and stems (7.3 g; 7.3%).
Pharmacognostic study
The pharmacognostic analysis of the
hydroethanolic extracts were performed according to
the methodology suggested by Wagner & Bladt (1996)
for detection of fatty acids, anthraquinones, alkaloids,
coumarins, flavonoids and terpenoids through thin layer
chromatography (TLC). Specific chemical compounds
were identified through methodology described by