Thanks for such a support! I wanted to say check out Rezyon! He's really low at subs and he made awesome song! So why not to give him a sub? :)
Also about the kneecaps! Not my fault that they are turned in wrong way, Mistberg models have athat bug.
Refrences from my older animation were taken from:
March Onward To Your Nightmare (transformation of animatronics to nightmares)
FNAF 3 song {Madness of color} (toy bonnie with guard hat and turning into shadow)
Game Over (Rock refrence at the end)
(I didn't know where I get that Idea of dancing, but I think it was from Caramel dancen)
P.S. (forgot to say) Stop complaining about puppets mouth!!! I like it when he moves it :3 if he weren't then he would look like an idiot staring at camera.