Kuo (2001) organized
thirteen key success factors in CRM, including one-to-one marketing, customer support
and service, information management, marketing activity, management of CRM project
leaders, looking for customer knowledge/taking care of present customers/increasing new
customers, bank website analysis, sales data analysis, data warehouse/data excavation,
customer center, computer and telephone integration, service/sales personnel promoting
CRM, and sales activities. Su (2001) pointed out the objective of customer management
being to treat customer data as the corporate asset. In other words, customer data for the
business or individuals were integrated for effective applications and analyses; moreover,
the relationship between the customers and the organization and the accepted information
should be mastered for customer classification which would further become the basis of
differentiated services. Berson, Smith& Thearling (1999) mentioned to utilize Data
Mining for establishing the required functions in CRM system. After collecting and
maintaining customer data, Data Mining could achieve the process functions of
completing cross-sales, segmenting customers, ranking customer values, and discovering
potential customers.