Biodiesel production through transesterification of vegetable or animal oil with alcohol using super-critical carbon dioxide can avoid using catalyst and shorten the reaction time. In addition, we can skip esterification step because the presence of free fatty acid has adverse effect on the transesterification reaction. In this work crude-palm oil was used as a reaction to react with methanol in the transesterification. The goal of the experiment is to find suitable condition for biodiesel synthesis at super-critical condition. Three variables was varied: pressure (150-170 bar), temperature (40-60oC) and reaction time (5-30 min). The methanol flow rate was fixed at 1ml/min which reaction with crude-palm oil (100ml) contained in a high-pressure vessel. It was found that he best result, according to biodiesel concentration, was obtained at 40oC, 170 bar and 10 min. The biodiesel concentration at the reactor outlet was 53.20%