Who I am: I am a non-ordinary person, I work hard for my future and for help my family, at the center of my life there's myself and music, music is my drug, my passion, I'm good to create music from nowhere, I also like to read psicology because I am a super emphatic person, since one year I've take the yellow fever (a way to say that I'm obsessed of Asia) because my work that is super closed opened my eyes and I discovered that I want to see more of the word, I don't want to die hold with a family and 60 years of my life wasted closed in a factory. What you probably don't like of me: I smoke cigarettes, I smoke weed and drink alcolics sometime, I was 23kg fatter than now (now I'm 62kg and I was 85kg) I'm super shy and insecure, only in the last year I'm going to believe more in me