I just believe that there was something more
and I was always cognizant I'll
what that more was and what you will find
is it that at different times in your life call
will be different for some people they know from the time that they were
you know old enough to speak what it is they wanted to do
I didn't know that I had no idea for the longest time
I was looking around me and trying to feel my way through
what felt like the right thing
but what I knew whereas that whatever that right thing wise
it wasn't going to be when everybody else told me it was
and so I think that's true for not just
people who become known or become famous
I think it's true for everybody who decides
for themselves that their is something more
and I wanna listen to what that is NB guided by that now
many times people ask about what is my purpose how do I know what my purpose is
how do I know what I'm supposed to do the only way to know what to do in life is to pay attention to the life that you're living right now
you can't get it by listening to other people