This can't (I'm saying it again), this CAN'T be the end of the Perwin story!!! It CAN'T.... I get is the end of PerxWinXMark, because now Mark is obviously out of the equation, but I can't buy that cheap bullshit about "just being friends"... COME ON!!! What kind of friendship is that anyways??... Are you going to be jealous of your friend's partners? That's not how a friendship works Per!! (so for you to know)... I mean your closet is SO open that all the Narnians have came out and you are still trying to stay inside?... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PER?!!!! -I'm really NOT happy about this... writers PLEASE do something (ANYTHING) about this... This is not a proper end for this couple!! and I can't even have something from them in the novel because IS NOT THERE... This series is my ONLY hope... Q.Q
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Hatice Kus 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
i feel with u im so sd and disappointed. they maked us so many hopes even he get jealous of mark and win
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barilian 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+Hatice Kus He was totally jealous, and not in so "friendly" way (he was going to almost kiss Win for God's sake!!! That's proof enough of him thinking in Win ad something more than a friend). The jealousy part, the questions about he liking Win or not every time he was showed in the show. I can't accept this!!!
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Hatice Kus 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+barilian i really cant get why the writers end them like that yea i dont accept it too i nearly was crying ㅜㅜ lets them ship maybe it happen still a wonder and they will a couple
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barilian 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+Hatice Kus I think they tried to do something like "The Love of Siam", but in THIS story it doesn't work!! Even in The Love of Siam we get the "it's not the right time, because I have some serious family issues and I need to take care of that first" feeling. But here it's not the same. The only sensation you get is that Per is the most openly closeted character in the world!!! If they wanted to make a reference about "the family issues" they should have made Win said the "let's be friend" bullshit. I would have bought that bullshit!! Because instead of having a Super closeted man as Per, it would be a caring about my family and problems-Mawing. Why is that better? Because at least we wouldn't have to see a Per SOOOO dumb to doesn't even realize that he doesn't see Mawing just as a "good friend". YOU DON'T EVEN THINK IN KISSING YOUR FRIENDS IF THEY'RE JUST THAT PER!!! DON'T YOU GET IT?!!
Also, this "let's be friend" bullshit is letting us without a solution, or at least a "it seems that it's going to end like this" feeling, about Win's father. If he sees Per and Mawing together again, he is going to beat the shit out of Mawing. What are you going to do then Per??!! "We are just friends"?? You know that's not true! You know Win can't see you like that, and deep inside you know that you can't see him like that either.
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Hatice Kus 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+barilian in trailer we saw per ran and search someone maybe..he search win but too late dont know lets wait and see but real to say why per nearly kiss win if per just saw win as a friend no logic u think they end as a couple in the end ? ...
ps. im sorry my english isnt that great forgiveee me (: !
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barilian 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+Hatice Kus But maybe that scene in the trailer is just this chapter (you know, when they are running to see each other), but they cut the part we see in the trailer... Anyways, I really want them to end up together. I will be really disappointed if they end up like "just friends"... and don't worry for your english,I can understand it and i'm not an english native speaker either XD
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Hatice Kus 1 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+barilian me too ~~ anyway u ship just permawin or more..
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barilian 1 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา
+Hatice Kus I ship them ALL XD if the story of the relationship is good i will ship them all XD