The mixed anaerobic culture was obtained from an anaerobic
digester of a wastewater-treatment facility (Beirolas, Sacavém,
Portugal). The inoculum was submitted to a heat shock treatment
at 93 C for 30 min, to inhibit the growth of methanogens [22]. The
culture was further incubated at 37 C or 58 C and grew easily in
RCM medium at both selected incubation temperatures, achieving
steady H2 productions after five re-inoculations. The mesophilic
(LE37) and the thermophilic (LE58) cultures achieved an average
H2 content of 14.8% (v/v) and 12.0% (v/v), respectively, in the biogas produced.
The mixed anaerobic culture was obtained from an anaerobicdigester of a wastewater-treatment facility (Beirolas, Sacavém,Portugal). The inoculum was submitted to a heat shock treatmentat 93 C for 30 min, to inhibit the growth of methanogens [22]. Theculture was further incubated at 37 C or 58 C and grew easily inRCM medium at both selected incubation temperatures, achievingsteady H2 productions after five re-inoculations. The mesophilic(LE37) and the thermophilic (LE58) cultures achieved an averageH2 content of 14.8% (v/v) and 12.0% (v/v), respectively, in the biogas produced.
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