Abstract This paper investigates the dependence of phytoplankton production of and present a mathematical model for calculating the most important parameters. Both uniform and non-uniform grazing are described mathematically. Non-uniform grazing, expressed by a sinusoidal curve, is usually found in bathyplanktonic ecosystems with migratory consumers. Phytoplankton production depends on the time of grazing; the nearer grazing occurs to ward nightfall, the higher is the phytoplankton production. In order to calculate phytoplankton productivity and the amount of food consumed by the zooplankton, experimental data on generation time of phytoplankters, their mortality rates, initial and final standing stocks, and information on diurnal grazing rhythms must be available. If the distribution of grazing rates is sinusoidal and mortality rate constant, the equations presented allow the calculation of phytoplankton roductivity with an error of about 6%