Earth was placed off limits to their traveling ships and it was forbidden to come here. Unfortunately, one of our ships was already on Earth and was having technical trouble. The ship was hiding in Russia at the time, only able to work itself up to a few hundred yards, sinking back down again. It was forbidden to bring the ship help. The crew of the ship, faced the knowledge of being stranded, constructed a bomb, raised their ship up as high as they could and let it fall. It exploded only a few hundred yards above the ground killing more than 4300 crew members. The explosion created a large hole in the ground, which is mistaken for a meteor crater. (more)nightside?
S Of course, I want to do this too.
B Thank you.
(Semjase then speeds up the ship and we circle the planet several times. Many of the observations are by regret not allowed to be told about, except that there are no human creatures located on Venus.)
I interrupt the conversations at this point because the Notes of July 1975 left out much of the information about Venus. On a separate meeting which was recorded in Billy's Notes a year later on July 1976, more information was given to Billy about Venus. I should explain that the Pleiadians had informed Billy that there is a very large and destructive comet which enters our Solar System every 575,5 years. The destructive powers of this comet have been responsible for many of the historic floods and disasters of the last 12,000 years. This comet has also played a part in the Pleiadian and Lyrian history so is also quite well known to the Pleiadian scientist. The Pleiadians have named this comet the "Destroyer Comet" as seen earlier - and attribute the current orbit of Venus to its actions. We will pick up the conversations between Billy and Semjase as she is explaining some information about the Comet and its effects on Venus.