4.2. Effects ofbddy moss lnterspecific basal or standard metabolic rate allometries of organisms from a broad variety oftaxa and of many different sizes (bacteiia to large mammals] have been documented to be a power function of body mass with an exponent of 0.75 (E-le|nn1illgsen_ 1960). Sinee Westet al. (1997) provided a theoretical foundation {fractal network theory] for this empirical 314 power law. the theory has been contested regarding the validity of its mathematical and methodological bases [Kozlowski and Konaizewski, 2004, 2005) and verification with the data (Isaac and Carbone. 2010 and literatures therein]. While the debate is not settled.altemadve analytic theories that are free from the constraint ol'a fixed scaling exponent have also been proposed (Agutter and Tuszynski.2011: Hirst ct al. 2014).