This article describes a rapid, highly efficient and versatile method for seamlessly assembling
multiple DNA fragments into a vector at any desired position. The inserted fragments
and vector backbone were amplified by high-fidelity PCR containing 20 bp to 50 bp overlapping
regions at 3′ and/or 5′ termini. These linearised fragments were equimolarly mixed,
and then cyclised in a prolonged overlap extension PCR without adding primers. The resulting
PCR products were DNA multimers that could be directly transformed into host strains,
yielding the desired chimeric plasmid. The proposed method was illustrated by constructing
an Escherichia coli co-expression vector. The feasibility of the method in Lactobacillus
was further validated by assembling an E. coli–Lactobacillus shuttle vector. Results showed
that three to four fragments could be simultaneously and precisely inserted in a vector in
only 2–3 days using the proposed method. The acceptable transformation efficiency was
determined through the tested host strains; more than 95% of the colonies were positive
transformants. Therefore, the proposed method is sufficiently competent for highefficiency
insertion of multiple DNA fragments into a plasmid and has theoretically good
application potential for gene cloning and protein expression because it is simple, easy to
implement, flexible and yields highly positive clones
This article describes a rapid, highly efficient and versatile method for seamlessly assemblingmultiple DNA fragments into a vector at any desired position. The inserted fragmentsand vector backbone were amplified by high-fidelity PCR containing 20 bp to 50 bp overlappingregions at 3′ and/or 5′ termini. These linearised fragments were equimolarly mixed,and then cyclised in a prolonged overlap extension PCR without adding primers. The resultingPCR products were DNA multimers that could be directly transformed into host strains,yielding the desired chimeric plasmid. The proposed method was illustrated by constructingan Escherichia coli co-expression vector. The feasibility of the method in Lactobacilluswas further validated by assembling an E. coli–Lactobacillus shuttle vector. Results showedthat three to four fragments could be simultaneously and precisely inserted in a vector inonly 2–3 days using the proposed method. The acceptable transformation efficiency wasdetermined through the tested host strains; more than 95% of the colonies were positivetransformants. Therefore, the proposed method is sufficiently competent for highefficiencyinsertion of multiple DNA fragments into a plasmid and has theoretically goodapplication potential for gene cloning and protein expression because it is simple, easy toimplement, flexible and yields highly positive clones
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