3.2.6. Final disposal of clinical waste
Incineration is the final steps in clinical waste management. All clinical waste collected and been
transported to the incinerator plant were burned into ashes. PMSB sends their clinical wastes collected at
Hospital BatuPahat and their interest regions at Incinerator in Bukit Rambai Melaka. The distance of
Hospital BatuPahat to the incinerator is about 120 km which takes about 2 hours transportation time.
Clinical waste collected at Hospital Tumpat by RSB was send to the incinerator at Bukit
PanglimaGarang, Selangor with the distance of 524 km that takes about 8 hours. FMSB sends their
clinical wastes collected at Hospital Taiping at the Kamunting Incinerator in Perak where the distance is
about 73 km from the hospital. Only about 1 hour is taken to transport the clinical waste for final disposal.
The hospitals during this time did not have a subcommittee to monitor how the final disposal of clinical
waste is done where it is fully handled by the concession company.