minorities, LGBT groups, indigenous peoples, youth, adolescents and older persons.
Press freedom and access to information, freedom of expression, assembly and
association are enablers of sustainable development. The practice of child, early and
forced marriage must be ended everywhere. The rule of law must be strengthened at the
national and international level, to secure justice for all.
79. We need to rebuild and reintegrate societies better after crises and conflicts. We
must address state fragility, support internally displaced persons and contribute to
resilience of people and communities. Reconciliation, peacebuilding and state-building
are critical for countries to overcome fragility and develop cohesive societies, and strong
institutions. These investments are essential to retaining the gains of development and
avoiding reversals in the future.
Partnership: to catalyse global solidarity for sustainable development
80. A revitalized global partnership for sustainable development must be built on
the foundations agreed in the Millennium Declaration and in Monterrey and
Johannesburg. It must be effective in mobilizing the means and in creating the
environment to implement our agenda. Mobilizing the support to implement the
ambitious new agenda will require political will and action on all fronts: domestic and
international, public and private, through aid and trade, regulation, taxation and
81. Implementation is not just about quantity. It is also about doing things together,
uniting around the problem. Inclusive partnerships must be a key feature of
implementation, at all levels: global, regional, national and local. We know the extent to
which this may be transformative. The sustainable development goals provide a platform
for aligning private action and public policies. Transformative partnerships are built upon
principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals: placing people and planet at the
center. They include the participation of all relevant stakeholders. Mutual accountability
is at the center. This means principled and responsible public-private-people partnerships.
3.4. Integrating the six essential elements
82. Sustainable development must be an integrated agenda for economic,
environmental, and social solutions. Its strength lies in the interweaving of its