Doing business is not always easy. Sometimes, there are some circumstances that are out of our hands. Although we tried so hard to avoid our customer's disappointment, it does not happen.
Therefore, at times some of our customers send us complaint letters. Nevertheless, It is our role to remain calm and to use this complaint as opportunity to deliver the services they expect, even to exceed their expectation.
To resolve our customer's complaint, we can write an adjustment letter. This adjustment letter should be delivered not longer than one working day after we receive our customer complaint letter. Make sure we put the date on it. A good adjustment letter cannot only prevent our customers from leaving us but also strengthen their loyalty to us. A good and effective adjustment letter should consist of the following items :
Acknowledgment of receipt of our complaining customer.
Expression of our apology
Explanation of the problem
Solution of the problem : It can be an action or reimbursement.