3.3. Identification of volatile compounds from fungal strain SS10
The principle aim of this study was to develop a simple and reliable method for the investigation of volatile compounds excreted by the cultured A. niger (using typical solvents). Cultivation of the fungus was carried out under incubation to
avoid oxygen limitation during fungus growth and to allow sample extraction, chromatographic separation, and MS
detection. To reduce the risk of variations in the mixtures caused by manual handling of the extraction procedures before
addition of chemicals and GC–MS analysis, the GC–MS data were deconvoluted using the NIST software, and the measured mass spectra were matched with entries in the library of chemical compounds. The FT-IR spectrum of the A.
niger extract in ethyl acetate showed bands ranging from 250 to 4000 cm–1, corresponding to the stretching vibrations of
the general alkyl group, hydroxy alkyl group, general hydroxyl or amino compound, aliphatic primary, secondary, or cyclic
hydroxy alcohol, and carboxyl compound, respectively (SupplementaryFig. 3).