Hehe. There are also those porters-ah. The number of people is not small. There are as much as four porters and also guards. Since there are these people, even if I wanted to use this opportunity to flee, it just isn´t possible.“ After saying this, Qu Tang´er sneered at herself. These people, including those four porters are all from prince´s mannor. Housekeeper Zhou arranged them. He said that their purpose is also to protect her. To her, it sounded more like that they were there to monitor her.
„Are you–still like this? In mood to make fun of me?“
„Yeah-ah. Otherwise, what more do you want?“
„You and Jing Xin, plus four porters. Is it your so called many people?“ Su Yuela regretted iron didn´t become steel[1]!
„Yes-ah. There are four people, eight eyes, eight hands, is it still not many? I am even bothered that there are too many people. The best would be to walk there.“ The whole one day would be wasted on the road. This was her ideal solution.
„Tang´er!“ Su Yuela was about to flip out.
„Well, it´s almost time. Let´s have a good chat after I come back….. Jing Xin, did you take along my cloak?“ Qu Tang´er softly smiled. After Jing Xin said that she took it, she pulled at Jing Xin and without carrying about what more Su Yuela wanted to say, she directly rushed straight to the gate of prince´s mannor.
The person inside the chamber didn´t even have a time to react, their figures have already disappeared.
The gate of prince´s mannor
The sedan chair outside was already waiting for them.
Qu Tang´er and Jing Xin came outside. She unhurriedly got inside the sedan chair and instructed: „Let´s go. There´s no need to go too fast. Ben Wangfei wants to look at scenery on the street.“ Going from eighth prince´s manor to Qu mannor, although the road was not long, but their speed was not fast.
[1] it´s a proverb meaning either „to hold someone to a higher standard with the hope they will improve“ or „to expect better from someone.“