Charter of Ethics
Korean Air regards transparency and responsibility as vital management values. We respect free market principles and abide by relevant rules and regulations in our business practices. With these principles, we strive to promote prosperity for the company and society as a whole.
Smiling Female Employee
As a result, Korean Air institutes a Charter of Ethics, which we vow to put into practice at all times.
Regard customer satisfaction and safety as our highest priority.
Respect all employees and make an effort to enhance their quality of life.
Exert best efforts to increase investment value for our investors.
Promote joint development with our business partners based on mutual trust.
Respect the principles of free competition and that we are the front-runner in the development of the airline transport industry.
Contribute strongly to the development of society and to the preservation of the environment.
Acknowledge the corporate principles set forth by the company and uphold all of our obligations and responsibilities.