recently went to a music festival with my cousin who is 22, and my brothers who are 19 and 21, respectively. I'm flirting with 30, so I knew going into the experience that we have some slightly differing priorities. On the second night of the festival, I decided to go to bed at midnight, which led to me facing chastisement at the mercy of the younger people. "You're so lame," they said. But in my elderly zen state, I simply chuckled. I explained to them that I've been to every party already. And one thing I learned from that is that every party is the same.
The other important lesson I've learned is that you get to choose how satisfied you are with the level of fun you've had, and that it's okay to reach a quota on said fun, and that as you get older, you stop feeling like you constantly need to be seeking more fun once your cup is already full of fun. Or that if you're not having fun doing something, you can simply stop doing it, rather than desperately trying to turn it into fun. So it follows that your life naturally starts getting better once you stop going out all the time. Especially because moderation is the spice of life; an exciting party lifestyle can be just as monotonous and routine as a sober one. Here are 8 reasons not going out all the time can really benefit your life.