Chokanan mango juice samples subjected to UV-C exposure for 15 and 30 min exhibited significant improvement in
antioxidant activities and extractability of carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids, when compared to freshly
squeezed juice. In addition, UV-C treatment showed significant reduction in microbial count. The shelf life of UV-C
treated juice stored at 4 ± 1 ◦C was extended for at least 4
weeks longer than freshly squeezed juice. Thermal treatment was more effective in completely inactivating microbial
growth in the juice, but detrimental effects on quality were
observed. Hence, UV-C treatment with appropriate optimization of processing variables is a feasible alternative to thermal
pasteurization. Further research work is needed for combining
UV-C with other non-thermal food processing technologies,
such as pulsed electric field and high pressure to guarantee improved quality juice together with safety standards.
Consequently, this study provides more attention for positive
implementation of UV-C treatment on a pilot scale.