Media characteristics
The weight of the soybeans increased by a factor of 2.3 during
soaking in water. Thus, 690 g of slurry originally contained 83 g
of beans. On a dry bean basis, Chang and Stone (1990) obtained
yields similar to ours. Hou, Yu, and Chou (2000) had slightly lower
yields than Chang and Stone (1990) since they obtained 2.9% protein
from an initial 1:10 bean:water ratio. Therefore, there are variations
in the literature with respect to protein yields, but data
suggest that our methodology gave comparable yields and
In order to lower the pH of the products from 6.5 to 4.0, 6.26 mL
of HCl 0.1 N were necessary for the LSB, while 9.04 mL were
needed for the milk formulation. Data for the LSB are in line with