A research and development project is outlined here which is aimed at addressing the needs of the food industry as they exist today with respect to IT and process control/optimisation. The object of this project is to develop a process control toolbox based on recent developments in the software and engineering industries encompassing elements of both technology transfer from these sectors and specifically focused development. The tools and strategies developed are intended to be generic in nature and therefore to be applied across the widest possible spectrum. A centre of excellence is being established in adapting and focusing existing and developing software approaches to problem analysis and design across the broad domain of food processing both in R&D and, more particularly, in industrial applications. To these ends, a number of case studies have been selected with leading companies from the food and drinks manufacturing sector of Irish industry. The goal of these case studies is to develop specific solutions and demonstrate the technology thus developed in typical production environments. In the age of the microprocessor the food industry remains in many cases a manual one. It therefore requires a significant effort to re-educate and to update an industry that has remained, in certain aspects, technologically stagnated. The programme which now has been initiated represents the first steps along this path. It is clear that many academic institutions need to play a more interactive role with industry in improving the awareness of the technologies and tools that are available. Industry, in turn, must clearly identify its problems and address them through focused research programmes in conjunction with appropriate academic or research institutions. ‘User needs specification’ remains the most difficult and critical step in food process automation. It is only through interaction and discussion between the relevant partners that tangible results and progress will be achieved.