B. Test Procedure Swelling Vertical and Horizontal
In this study to measure the swelling deformation then developed a tool Oedometer modifications to measure vertical - horizontal swelling and volumetric swelling. Modification and development tools such as schematic as shown in Fig 5. Equipment used for research swelling vertical and horizontal are development consolidation of the modified instrument. This device consists of a set of tools Oedometer. In the ring samples were sets strain gauge to measure the horizontal dedormation ]14], for vertical swelling was measured using Linear Vertical Displacement Tanducer (LVDT). Strain gauge and LVDT connected to a strain indicator type P-3500 M, the strain indicator connected to the computer to acquire research of data as shown in Fig. 5.a [15]. Details instalation strain gauge system using rectagular rosets as shown in Fig. 5.b [15]. Measuring the water content change is used gypsum block modifications which are connected to the multymeter digital to determine the water resistance of clay soil (Ohm) that is calibrated to water content (%).
The results swelling test tool modification as shown in Fig 6 and ring samples modification from membrane material as shown in Fig 7 [15].
The test method according ASTM D4546-96 [16] with a method based on [17[, which is expandable under surcharge pressure of 6.9 kPa, the soil samples are loaded using the ring membrane (Fig. 7). Dimension of soil samples with a diameter of 6.35 cm and high of 1.70 cm, with initial water content 10% and dry density 1.26 g/cm3.