AN ASS, belonging to an who gave him too little food and too much work made a petition to Jupiter to be released from his present service and provided with another master. Jupiter to after warning him that he would his request, caused hiตm be sold to a Shortly afterwards, finding that he had loads to carry and harder work in the brick-field, he petitioned for another change of master. Jupiter, telling him that it would be the last time that he could grant his request, had ordained that he be sold to a tanner. The Ass found that he fallen into worse hands, and noting his master's occupation said, groaning: "It would have been better for me to have been either starved by the one, or to have been overworked by the other of my former masters, than to have been bought by my present owner, who will even after I am dead tan my hide, and make me useful to him in one place He that finds discontentment another is not likely to find happiness in