The cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a thermophiles and frost-susceptible horticultural crop usually cultivated in
fields during spring-summer period or in greenhouse in different seasons. Cucumber is believed to have been
domesticated in India for 3000 years and in Eastern Iran and China probably for 2000 years . Now it is grown all
around the world . Cucumber is thought to be one of the oldest vegetable crops, being grown for at least five
thousand years . It is the fourth most important vegetable crop after tomato, cabbage and onion in Asia andIran is in the third place of cucumber production in the world . As a vegetable crop, Cucumis sativus has great
economic importance . In addition, cucumber is cutivated because its extract has soothing, cleansing and
softening properties which are important for the cosmetics industry . Genetic diversity in the primary center of
origin (India) and secondary center for diversity (China) has been described . Therefore, the study of phenotypic
variation exhibited among cucumber genotypes could be suitable for plant breeding of cucumber